In the Matter of the Approval of Agencies
to Which Referrals May be Made Pursuant to
Rule 2.7(b)(3) of the Rules of the
Supreme Court of the State of Hawai‘i

(By: Moon, C.J., for the court (1))

Upon consideration of the recommendation of the Hawai‘i Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism (First Report to the Hawai‘i Supreme Court, dated March 10, 2006) that the "Order Approving Referral Agencies," filed by this court on January 26, 1996, be amended,

IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the following agencies or types of agencies are approved for referrals pursuant to Rule 2.7(b)(3) of the Rules of the Supreme Court of the State of Hawai‘i:

1. Hawai‘i State Bar Association (HSBA), including any agencies, entities, programs, or individuals, with which or whom the HSBA has arranged for the provision of services or referrals;

2. Attorneys and Judges Assistance Program (AAP), including any agencies, entities, programs, or individuals (whether located in Hawai‘i or elsewhere), with which or whom the AAP has arranged for the provision of services or referrals;

3. Hawai‘i licensed physicians (including, but not limited to, psychiatrists) and/or psychologists;

4. Certified Public Accountants and/or other allied accounting professionals;

5. Continuing legal education or professionalism courses and/or programs;

6. Mediation, arbitration, or other forms of alternative dispute resolution; and

7. Any other agencies, entities, programs, or individuals, not otherwise enumerated above, that are deemed appropriate under the circumstances.

This order supercedes this court's Order Approving Referral Agencies, dated January 23, 1996.

DATED: Honolulu, Hawai‘i, April 11, 2006.

1. Considered by: Moon, C. J., Levinson, Nakayama, Acoba, and Duffy, JJ.