At page 2, lines 11-12 from the bottom: [It is recommended that t] The requested attorneys' fees [be] are denied, and [that] the requested reimbursement for costs [be] is
At page 9, line 6 from the bottom: [it is recommended that] attorneys' fees under HRS § 607-14.5 [be] are
At page 12, lines 3-4 from the top: therefore, an award of fees based on this argument is [not recommended] denied. First, the matter before this court is not in the
At page 15, line 6 from the top: server exceeds these authorities. [It is recommended that t] The
At page 15, line 8 from the top to page 16, line 1 from the top: [be] is partially granted, the request for costs of a transcript [be] is denied, and the request for costs of service of process [be] is
At page 16, line 1 from the bottom to page 17, line 1 from the top and note 20: reasonable amount for such costs, [it is recommended that] this amount [be] is awarded. (1) See also HRAP Rule 39(c)(5) (authorizing an
At page 18, lines 10-11 from the top: reimbursement of $46.87 [should be] is granted.
Accordingly, Plaintiffs [should be allowed] are granted a reduced
An amended opinion is being filed concurrently with this order, incorporating the foregoing amendments. The Clerk of the Court is directed to provide a copy of this order and a copy of the amended opinion to the parties and notify the publishing agencies of the changes. The Clerk of the Court is further instructed to distribute copies of this order of amendment to those who received the previously filed opinion.
In addition, HRAP
Rule 39 does not preclude the recovery of costs of printing and copying
pleadings for the benefit of amicus curiae. Given the
reasonableness of providing the legislature with such copies in the
present case, [it is recommended that this costs be] this cost is